Our Stories

I met the man of my life thanks to you, 2500km separated us.

I met the man of my life thanks to you, despite 2500km separating us we are together. Such love doesn't happen only in movies, at least that's what I thought. My partner agrees. We've only been together for a short while, just a month, but with each day it gets stronger. Thank you for helping us find each other. This is a beautiful life. We send warm regards, Dorota and Janusz.

I just wanted to say that I met my future wife on your dating site!!!

Hello all Polishhearts! I just wanted to say that I met my future wife on your dating site!!! We met in London almost a year ago and we also got married here in June. Thank you very much!! Waldek, London

Thanks to you, I met a fantastic woman

I am planning to delete my profile from the Polish Hearts website, where I was able to meet many wonderful women. I have chosen one for the rest of my life, with whom I want to be together in good and bad times... I will inform the Polish Hearts Administration about the further developments in my life. Bartek60

I met him and fell in love with him thanks to you :)

I would like to thank on behalf of myself and my partner, whom I just met, saw, and fell in love with on this website, thanks to you :) I don't know who to thank, but I thank you for creating this dating portal, giving me a chance for a new life, and making it possible for me to meet my man. We have been together for over a year, but we still have in our minds the circumstances in which we met... it was the start, a journey that turned into love. I wish you further success and that as many passionate couples will emerge here. Greetings.

After purchasing premium, within 2 days I found my other half and we are together.

Hello admin, I would like to inform you that after purchasing premium, within 2 days I found my better half and we are now together. Thank you very much but we are now forced to log out because we only belong to each other. Ps. epsik and Mboss

Thank you very much! Your dating website gave me what I couldn't find in my life for so long.

Hello Polishhearts dating editorial team, Thank you very much! Your dating portal has given me something I couldn't find in my life for so long. Through you, I found my partner and I think it will be a love for life. I will be forever grateful to you for being there. Warm Regards! Eugenia